Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Senior Seminars in Psychology

Senior Seminars in Psychology

Q Josie: An Interdisciplinary Case Study of Madness Go to Type “Josie” in the Keyword Box and download the case This case study is divided into 6 parts. After each part there are a series of questions. Jot down your initial impressions after each part. Then, answer the following questions and discuss the case with your classmates. 1. Tell the class a brief history of this case. 2. Discuss the presenting problem, i.e., in the beginning did you think Josie was physically or mentally ill? How or why did your thoughts change? 3. What kind of treatment strategy would you recommend? Mention theoretical perspectives, or interventions/techniques and prognosis. Other considerations (answer at least two of the following) 4. Do you think that Josie's behavior or appearance influenced the care she received? Why? How did this impact her case? 5. What questions still remain? What other information would help you decide what is wrong with Josie? 6. With respect to the general public, how has the treatment of the mentally ill changed over time? 7. Do you think that medical professionals are sufficiently trained to differentiate medical from psychological illness? Why or why not? Can you give us an example of another illness which presents as a psychological concern but is chemically based?

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The case describes the instances where a 21 year old, prostitute by profession, Josie, reports experiencing frequent episodes of pain. She lives in a rent apartment and has not paid her rent for which her land lady keeps saying that she had not paid the rent. Josie lives alone. She has frequent stomachaches. She had a miscarriage and she had weakness because of that. She thinks that something has happened to her physically, something more intense that what doctor has said. She felt that she should stay in the hospital for some time, though she was not allowed to do that because the doctor did not think that she was sick.